This time last year we were just starting to see a comeback to shows and events on the horizon. We were optimistic but did not know for sure what was coming. As we’ve now wrapped an electric fall season for 2022 and have had a chance to reflect it is truly remarkable what was accomplished this past year. We are so thankful for our clients, both new and longstanding.
As we’ve discussed, many of our clients came back after 18-24 months without having any events and wanted to show a new version of themselves. It didn’t feel right for anyone to get back into their 2019 setups, they needed a new look and feel. So we spent the end of last year and the beginning of this year creating these new options. This is where we realized the magnitude of what this year would become in terms of the volume of shows and exhibitors. It also taught us where the holes in production were that had formed over the dead period. So we’re thankful for your patience during that process. We’re thankful for your flexibility and understanding when lead times increased and items were out of stock.
We’re thankful that as costs across the industry moved up and up and up, and adjustments had to be made, that you didn’t aim any frustration or negativity at us for that, and gave us time to come up with alternatives where needed.
We weren’t able to take any project for granted in 2022. The “easy” items like banner stands and pop-ups that historically are handed over to clients without any trouble, put forth a variety of minor issues. We’re thankful again for your patience in those scenarios and for letting us make it right.
Additionally, we’re thankful for such positive feedback on completed events, all the added and unintended events our clients had, and the momentum that is carrying into next year. Many clients tip-toed conservatively back into the scene with an event or two then quickly began adding more and more to the schedule.
Although we can never know what the future brings, we are thankful for our clients and grateful for where we are at this moment today. We look forward to working on new and existing projects with you in 2023!