Rental Trade Show Displays
Rental trade show displays are an excellent option for expanding your company’s footprint, trying out a new trade show and managing multiple events on the same dates. One of the most important benefits of renting a display is cost savings. These savings are realized through the use of rental hardware and minimal storage requirements. Further, our rental facilities on the East Coast, Midwest and West Coast allow our clients to lessen their freight costs. Below are some sample rental trade show display design options of varying styles and sizes. Find your next look, or get some ideas about how we can create a custom rental display solution for you. All turn-key services are available, to help lessen the burden.
Sample Projects/Renderings:
Total Party Planner
Rental Island 20 x 20
Rental Island 20×20
Rental Peninsula 20 x 20
10 x 20 Medallion 2 Rental
10×20 Modular Fabric Display
10 x 10 Rental
20 x 30 Rental
10 x 20 Rental
20×20 Rental
10 x 10 Rental
10 x 10 Portable Rental
10×20 Tension Fabric
10×20 Tension Fabric
10×10 Tension Fabric
20 x 20 Rental
20 x 30 Rental
20 x 20 Rental
10×10 ECO Rental
10 x 10 Rental
10 x 20 Rental
Visit the Idea Center to see additional rental designs.