Our mass email earlier this month highlighted a trend that we’ve seen since trade shows and events started to return last year, and has cemented itself for 2022. Marketing teams are looking to restart fresh with new looks.
The last two years have been impactful to all of us personally and professionally. Whether hoping that the future goes back to 2019 in some ways, or accepting a new look moving forward, the time gap and the cultural impacts have demanded organizations come back differently than before. This difference is taking form in a several ways:
We’re seeing some companies want a totally new look moving forward. For some this is also inclusive of a full business pivot. The answers to “who we are” and “what we do” may have changed, and need to be announced at the upcoming trade shows and live engagements. This is happening by way of new displays, new graphics and/or new accessories. Making sure to grab attention to the new branding.
Maybe the logo and the message have stayed the same but the overall look and imagery need to be updated. We’re doing a lot of graphic replacements as people don’t want to bring their look from three years ago to their present campaign. We’re also adding some different accessory items to enhance space flow and modify spaces for hybrid efforts.
Okay this may not be the best term, but who doesn’t like alliteration! What we’re seeing here is clients who are essentially going brand new now. Larger space, different graphics, different emphasis, new displays, new ways to engage, etc. I think some of these clients just share my heart lately in wanting to explode back on the scene and hit the ground running to make up for lost time. If your organization is feeling like scrapping the old and going for it in a big way, we’re ready to take on that challenge!
Different approaches with the same common denominator of showing up fresh and new in 2022. It has added a vibrancy to my role the past 6 months or so, and a rekindled excitement for the live events we had to give up for awhile. Contact us to help develop your approach for this year’s shows!